You either carve out a big enough lead throughout the stage that you cross the finish line unopposed, or you stay with the peloton until the final stretch and burst out at the perfect time. If you’ve ever watched the Tour de France - or any tour cycling, really - you’ll know that there are two basic ways to win a stage.
Flamme Rouge It’s all about the timing in this cycling sprint finish Race to the finish line in this board game version of the Tour de France. Eye of the tiger, Chariots of Fire, welcome to the Jam, etc, etc. Whether you're brawling in the ring or racing for the finish line, we've listed some of the best sports board games you can buy right now. Board games and sports are sometimes presented as diametric opposites, but does it have to be that way? Why can't you prove your spirit on the field before proving your cunning around the table? Little shock then that some board games designers have taken direct inspiration, and crafted some great board games based on the trials and tribulations of real-world sport.